Many of us share the commonality of multiple stresses each and every day; but have you ever thought about what it would be like in the midst of a storm to just look up and whisper words of thanks and praise among the clouds? How lovely would it be to be made aware that there is hope from beyond the stars.
I know life can be hard! I have struggled with many very emotional challenges; seemingly all at once. So many times I would ask "Why?" instead of "How?" I have learned over the years that the moment I begin to cry, I understand how important it is to just let it go and look up to the wondrous sky and ask "How do I learn from this?" Somehow, it immediately makes me smile and realize:
My eyes remain to see the light from the sun and the shimmer from the stars
My hands and feet can still move and feel the coolness of the lively earth
My ears hear promise and peace in turbulence and in calm
My senses smell and taste good things to come and
My heart beats on
and for that; truly...I am blessed
When is the last time you took the opportunity to close your eyes and wish for inner peace?
How about taking the time to whisper a breath of thanks and praise among the clouds for your health and ask for healing from far and beyond the stars for those who are so sick and weak.
Inner peace will come- It will come :)
I am finalizing the last five pages of the second book in the Gagi The Unicorn Children's Book Series. This is a very special book and is very near and dear to me. I hope is touches you as it touches me. The book is called "Look At Me". It is about a sick little unicorn that is in the hospital. Gagi The Unicorn may have no hair ( due to Chemotherapy) and although Gagi spends most days in a hospital room; the sweet little unicorn continues to have such a lively, happy and playful spirit. Gagi wants the reader ( and patient) to know that in dealing with sickness; a positive and energetic attitude can change everything!
I have worked for the past two years on the illustrations and Page 22 still makes me cry every time I see it. My goal is to have you share this book with every single child, sick or well. And for every book you purchase, one will be donated to a Children's Hospital. This is a large colorful picture book and will not be sold in stores. There are 28 pages to this book!
Until all copies of the first book "Into the World Of Gagi The Unicorn" are sold, this will not be released. It is available proudly at,, Kindle, and the website.
The third book entitled: "Goodnight Gagi" has been written and the illustrations are complete ( onto graphic colorization !). This book is what started the series in the first place. More to come, More to come :)
Please check out my website: for the latest updates and @marylandmcat on Pinterest for the latest "Look At Me" secret upload illustrations.
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